Sunday, June 28, 2009

International Food Festival

Title sounds very impressive but the reality falls far short.

Too many "flea market" stalls and not enough variety of food stalls.

There were about 2 or 3 Japanese, 8 or 9 Vietnamese, 5 or 6 hamburg & fries, 1 for ribs, 1 for Serbian which had 2 meat choices and that was it, and a couple of ice cream/ drinks. The city actually has a very wide range of restaurants but they are going through a change in who is putting it on and such so guess it will take awhile before they get far more vendors.

They certainly spent lots of money on advertising as they had plenty of signs along the roadway.

There was also some people doing a Chinese Massage. At 10 minutes for $10 I went back to them to try it out. (Had gone to my car, realized I hadn't gone to them and was hurting so walked back to their location.) Was certainly glad I went and only wish I had gotten their card. Would certainly go to them again! They have the type of chair you kneel/sit on and lean forward on the support. I couldn't care who went by or how many stood around -- soon loss focus on them.

There are several more festivals coming up in the same park so will have to watch for them and set my $10 aside.

And take my camera -- this weekend it was in Toronto. I don't like the big one left for me.


flit June 28, 2009 at 8:07 PM  

That would be rather disappointing, food-wise ... not that I could eat much of anything there anyway.

Off to the doctor tomorrow - sure hope 50lbs is enough to earn a good girl, lets start the paperwork to get your license back LOL

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