Sunday, July 5, 2009

Canada Day -- Mary Maxim

Seemed totally fitting that on a day to celebrate Canada, that I should be going to Mary Maxim's THE Canadian store for craft supplies.

Yes, I know they have a store in Port Huron but everyone in Canada seems to know about the bulky Mary Maxim sweaters that were so prevalent years ago. For people who didn't live near the stores, ordering from Mary Maxim was a big deal and the main source for all the crafting supplies you could dream of.

Need beads, scrapbooking, hooked rugs, embroidery, quilting, sewing supplies -- find your Mary Maxim catalogue. Now they even carry household ornaments and baking dishes and such.

Bought some wool several years ago for a particular sweater than never found exactly what I wanted nor designed my own. Found one pattern that came close and after looking around more, decided I would use that pattern so that is what I wanted.

My friend Bev, 3 of her friends and 1 husband headed down on Canada Day to Paris, Ontario.

Went to John Hall first which carries Irish linens, battenburg lace umbrellas and aprons and tea linens, quilt material, nightgowns, baby clothes, and items with funny sayings. Great place to poke around in and, in one of the back rooms, there are a few chairs, a table covered with sewing patterns, a large window and a gorgous view of the river. Could spend a lot of time there but didn't as we were headed for Mary Maxim's.

Had a great time there, got my pattern plus some other goodies, and then across the road to Kel's which is the very best place to eat. Reasonable prices, good food, generous servings and pleasant waitresses.

Planned to show lots of pictures today and took the things outside to take pictures in the lovely sunshine. All set up -- no memory in the camera. If you are going to leave me a camera to use, couldn't you also leave a memory stick? Oh well, got an entry wrote and will have to take pictures another day.


flit July 5, 2009 at 8:21 PM  

My problem with my camera is always running out of battery power - this "new" one just sucks for running through batteries.

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