Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cowl and King

Went to see the King Tut exhibition at the AGO in Toronto. Four galleries dedicated to the exhibition and another to an associated display. Very stunning! Saturday afternoon so very, very crowded. Galleries are set as if you were inside the tomb which allowed it to be kept dark and lights on the displays. Some very, very goregous pieces.
The tickets were a gift from the youngest daughter who was to come with her 2 children. For Christmas she had also purchased tickets for her sister and 2 of her family so Sister had to purchase a ticket for the fourth member. Lovely day planned but youngest granddaughter had a hockey playoff game at the same time and grandson had to work so they missed it. Tickets were used which was important.
I drove up ealy enough to go to the Textile Museum for a display of Kashmir Shawls. There was a tour going on when I arrived so I listened to most of it. Found if very informative. There were some shawls about 60" square and absolutely goregous.
Also found a book for braiding so that was a nice bonus.
As I got ready to leave the museum, my granddaughter Jess came looking for me. Walked over to Village On The Grange which has a lovely foodcourt on the main floor. Most shops are locally owned so very nice food. After the exhibit at the AGO we went back there and had a drink for me and Tamara and food for the others.

And I finished another project. Lee got her cowl.

It is the softest yarn ever and heaviest weight so it should be very warm for her -- only one of us who has and real amount of snow on the ground.
At least I got it done before the warm weather comes. Figure we'll have a few more weeks of winter.


flit February 9, 2010 at 5:35 PM  

yikes...that first shot is a real winner,innit?

I love the cowl though - it is very warm

Tamara February 10, 2010 at 8:36 PM  

lol...that first picture makes someone look a little yes it was a very fun, if not busy and tiring day :)

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