Monday, February 13, 2012

Reno - Day 10 & 11

Day 10 was Friday, Feb 10, - very appropriate I think. No workers but fireplace in position. Did take the insert out for over the weekend as it is not bolted down as yet.

Saturday got to see a very good game with Mandy in goal. She was happy as it was her 5th shut out so she gets a new pair of shoes. That girl does love her shoes!!!!

Snow on Saturday and again Sunday morning so didn't go out at all. Wasn't going to shovel snow until I absolutely had to.

Got the snow shovelled this morning after the sidewalk cleaners had been along so 4" at the end of the driveway before the sidewalk. Smaller one on other side of the driveway and at the edge of the road but just drove through them. By doing the first edge I can back out enought to see safely in both directions and can therefore just gun the car.

Went to the locksmith for work, swimming for me, and then to work. Painters had come in to finalize the prep work and test paint 2 doors as to which color would be the door and which the frame so pretty well have that settled. Just 2 people working today.

Finished supper now and have had my pain pills so it is off to bed. Plenty of knitting to work on and a few new books.


flit February 18, 2012 at 2:50 PM  

Glad to hear she got her new shoes :)

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