Thursday, February 2, 2012

Reno - Day 4

Day 3 actually consisted of no workers being present but the Hydro inspection has been held and work is ready to proceed. The new lights are down beside the door instead of in a rough box across the top of the door. That meant inspection after chipping out the wall which must now be filled in and smoothed over.

Day 4 we had the painters here for the first of their work days. Nice group of fellows who certainlly work hard and steadilly. Lost our "rock climbing wall" were there was 1/2 spots of glue that had been behind the mirrors. The walls appeared to be filled in and walls repaired. Still some areas to be worked on, of course, as they are due to be here tomorrow. Must admit the paint wasn't as bad as I expected though it is probably because this was just the prep day.

Oh well, tomorrow IS Friday.


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