Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cold and dry

That was Bev's complaints for today.  Since about 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bev was cold.  Under 3 flannelette blankets with the usual sheet and spread which is so very unlike her. Usually she is looking for ways to cool off.  She figured that it is because her thyroid is so out from where it should be.

And then she was very dry and using lots of chap stick.  Only taking small moutfuls of water and way past the place where it doesn't bother her.  Had almost got a drink for myself before I went in but so very glad I hadn't.

Went for a walk as far as the waiting room and that was it as her legs were shakey.  Yesterday she had done 18 laps around the elevators.  Big change but there are going to be days like this.  Hopefully tomorrow will show some improvement.  Her surgeon is away for a week but all reports are that she is doing well.  Now if her stomach would only co-operate and start emptying properly!

She did get some actual knitting today and is almost finished her first baby's legwarmer.  Not as quick as usual but at least showing an interest again.

I did get 2 bands done on the baby sweater so it is growing.\\Had worked on my own sweater Friday night at the LRM.  Have a glaring spot where I have to take the old thread out and put new thread in.  Other than the one spot I am pleased with it.

I had stopped on the way to LRM last night to buy myself a new phone.  Maybe if I have the phone I want than I might actually carry it.  Now just have to learn how to use it because it does do an awful lot.  David dropped me at the hospital this afternoon and took the bus home with a stop at Chapters for a drink (of course) and bought the Dummy book for Androids so I can learn faster.  Had bought a Samsung Galaxy III phone.  So tonight was an hour of reading and hour of knitting.  Would learn the things fater if I could remember my user names and passwords for all the various accounts I have to set up -- Bell, Samsung, Goggle, etc.  Now it is beeping at me because the battery is low so guess I better go get the cords and get it plugged in.

Have a great day and many more.


Kali and Aswell July 29, 2012 at 1:33 PM  

We DO hoped Bev will feel more good tomorrow! Or today too!

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