Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day 5 - Heidleburg May 13 - Part 1

This was our morning view upon waking.  We had docked right beside a city park where people were out strolling.  Such a gorgeous start to the day!
Then I saw this gentleman out and decided I want one of these.  Didn't think it would fit in my luggage but I sure think these are neat!  Much nicer and safer than a scooter I would expect.  Wonder if you can get snow tires for it?
Breakfast and then a short walk to the bus but we rushed out so fast I didn't pick up the voice box to hear the guide with.  Andrea generously allowed me to use the one we brought thinking she could stand near the guide and listen to her.  The one day we got a guide who didn't speak loud enough for that idea to work!
I am of the generation who remembers Mario Lanza in the movie "The Student Prince" so have very romantic idea about the university.  The ruins are very much an echo of that and have such beauty in each part of it.  And the day was warm and sunny which added greatly to the beauty.

The main gates showing the bottom of the iron spikes at the bottom of the gate.
 Front of one of the buildings.
 Even ruins have to have reconstruction and maintenance.

 The largest wine barrel that ever held wine - once.  The top dried out before the wine at the bottom had been used up.  Taxes were often paid by wine.
 A jester of the court who was well know for how much wine he could drink.
 A heelprint left in the tiled terrace supposedly left by a knight fleeing from a lady's room when her husband came home unexpectedly.
 The back of the building noted previously with a different style of statutes.

Views from the terrace.

A gate erected as a surprise from a Prince to his wife.  They had an arranged marriage that worked out well as they had 13 children.
 Whenever she spotted an animal then the Prince rewarded her with a kiss so the columns have many animals covering them.
 Moat and tower.
 Sorority house right beside the castle.  Has a garden that extends for a fair distance.  Can you imagine attending school in such surroundings?

After a tour of the grounds we headed into the town itself but I will put that in another entry as it deserves its own attention.


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