Sunday, February 21, 2010

Olympics - Day 8

Shawl - on last clue and major last row! I am so happy with it! This row is yarn over knit 1 stitch and repeat all across the top and down one side. Then you cast off the stitches, do the yarn over knit down the other side and cast off those stitches to be finished. Yes it is a lot of knitting but it soon will be off the needles and I can stretch it out. Really looking forward to that.

The beaver is having a break as I am too interested in seeing how the shawl will turn out.

The Olympic watching was light on Saturday as had a PJ Day for most of it then went out with a friend for one shop then William's for the loveliest salad. Had the mixed greens, sugar roasted walnuts, pears, cut grapes, feta cheese and warm chicken, dressing on the side. So good! And no dessert which if you know me, you know that is something I always enjoy and Williams has an excellent selection.

Enjoy the day.


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