Opening Ceremonies
Well, they weren't perfect and they weren't like China's but I enjoyed seeing them.
We don't celebrate the Native people as much as we should and I was glad they were given the position they were given. If only it was done every day and not just for the Olympics. The ceremonial dress! The dancing! The energy! What a great start.
And when k.d.lang sang -- that gave me goosebumps. Was so glad to see and hear her in that position. Have seen an article since that several prominent singers did not appear but there is always the closing ceremony.
Was impressed by those chosen to carry the Olympic flag. What a nice assortment of people. Especial hooray for Betty Fox.
Could think of several I would have preferred to light the outside flame instead of Gretzky but can understand the reasoning behind it because of the Gold medal team.
With the eventual lighting of the inside torch, I cast on the first stitch for my Beaver. Lots and lots of short rows and counting but it is fun seeing something develop and trying to figure out exactly what part I am working on.
Before the lighting, I worked on my shawl as that also was part of my challenge -- to get caught up and finished the last 2 clues during the Olympics. Nearing the end of the wing design and then lots and lots of the openwork area for across the top and down the sides. (And a special pat on the back for those who noticed and questioned the white thread just down from the needle. That is considered a lifeline so, if I notice a mistake down or row or two, I can take out the stitches knowing they won't go down past that point. It pulls out easily and won't show once the shawl is blocked.)
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